Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What's Up Monaco...

Hello everyone.  It's been AGES since I last wrote.  But I've been busy with a little project.


I created an on-line show about what to do in and around Monaco for families and kids.  When I moved here, I had the hardest time deciphering the signs or simply finding what to do with the kids and always wished someone had put it together for me.  In English.  So I could navigate my way.

Well, I decided to put my own talents to work and not wait anymore.

You can view the videos on Facebook @ "What's Up Monaco" or check out the website...


I'm still working on parts of the website and eventually the site will be simply... www.whatsupmonaco.com

But, one thing checked off the list at a time.  I'm still trying to decipher information for the next show!  Two major problems with the "French Way", no info given unless asked specifically for it.  Seriously, there are signs for events going on without the time, place, fee, you name it!  And there isn't just one place to go to see all the events going on in town.  Geez, how's anyone supposed to get along around here?

Anyway, here it is.  Hope you like it!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pizza in Pisa...

Ok, it's already October and I'm only just posting about our summer holidays.  Good gracious, I need to get on the ball.  It'll be Christmas and I'll only just be talking about "Back to School!"  

So, without further ado...

For our summer house rental this year, way back in August, we chose to pop over to our neighbor, Italy.  We rented a house in the hills with the requisite pool and took the chance to visit a few of the Tuscany region's towns.  I've begun a mini love affair with Italy and I've only seen a tiny part of it.  But, the FOOD!!  the WINE!!!  the lovely PEOPLE!!  the amazing CITIES!!!  You could spend your whole life in Italy and never get tired of all the places to see, and the food to eat, and the wine to drink.  I just think it's a thumbs up all around.

We started our adventure with an overnight in the walled town of Lucca...

Before we headed out of town the next day, E and I took a bike ride along the wall that surrounds the old town...

Then we headed to our house...

We had some pizza in Pisa...

Had dinner in a cool little artsy village...Pietrasanta...

Popped over to the seaside for a meal in Viareggio....

And another seaside village for a stroll and lunch, Lido di Camiore...

Sighhhhhhh.  And then it was time to head home.  I love Monaco and there are awesome spots in France, but I must say, my love affair has begun and I plan on seeing A LOT more of our neighbor.  :)